Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The DuSable Museum's Trading Post Gift Shop, in Washington Park's Museum South Campus at 57th & Cottage Grove,  is the best place for educators, fans, collectors, tourists, and novices to buy indie Black Age or Rhythmisitc Graphic Novels published by ONLI STUDIOS, LLC.

SIGNING SESSION: Sept. 27th 3pm until 5pm with Prof. Turtel Onli, M.A.A.T. the Founder of the growing and powerful indie Black Age of Comics genre. He will be there to discuss various titles , sign books and talk about major landmarks along with the impact of the  indie Black Age of Comics.

 Onli often asks the question: "How Black or colored, female, or Queer diverse was the mainstream comics, animation or Graphic Novels industry before the launch and advocacy of the Black Age in 1993?"


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